If Pontus Pilate were to exist within the post-modern world today, do you think he would have finally succumbed to biblical truth, or would Pilate join the populous ranks of society and entrust his soul to relative and subjective truth? Regardless, Pilate made his choice in front of the “truth,” which clearly answers that inquiry. However, we live in a world that demands an answer, but rather than accept Biblical truth, the widespread preference is exactly that, preferential truth or truths. Professor Douglas Groothuis titled his book Truth Decay. The title suggests that truth is at risk; however, if truth is truly objective and absolute, which Groothuis extensively defends, then truth cannot decay. Therefore, truth is not at risk – people are. If something is not true, then it is false. So, the question now becomes this: Is your life based upon the truth or are you living under false pretenses?

I, for one, prefer to live in the light of truth rather than its opposite, so let’s proceed with some absolutes that we can both agree on. Whether you believe it to be good or bad, Christianity has, in fact, changed the world. We know this to be true by exploring close to two thousand years of history, and if we look to Christianity’s roots in Judaism we can tack on the rest of human history by tracing the genealogy from Jesus Christ back to the first man (Luke 3:23-38). It was the truth of Christ that fueled Martin Luther King Jr.’s mission for equality. That same truth enabled saints like Mother Teresa’s cause. Recently, we have witnessed the truth of Christ that enabled families to forgive Dylann Roof, who viciously murdered a group of Christians during a worship service in Charleston, SC., which we know to be true because we have their testimony on video. Now, in all fairness, it is true that some Christians have misrepresented the truth claims of Christ, such as the period in America where slavery was acceptable to some; however, it was the truth of Christ that eventually abolished slavery in America, which shows that the truth is absolute, regardless of the people’s incorrect interpretation of it. All of these examples show how Christianity, or to better put it, “the truth of Christ” influences change in the world. So, where do Christians get their truth? The answer is provided to us all in the Holy Bible.

Here are some truth claims about the Bible that you would be hard pressed to dispute. The Bible teaches that there is one sovereign God who created everything (Gen. 1). As science progresses, more findings are proving God’s existence, as shown in the research video where several esteemed Scientists prove God’s existence through Science. The Bible teaches that this sovereign God is perfect (1 Sam. 22:31); God is good (Psalm 136:1); God is compassionate and just (Isaiah 30:18), God is love (1 John 4:8); but ultimately, in John 14:6 it claims that God is truth, as stated by Jesus Christ, who is God’s only Son. The fact that some choose to ignore these absolute truths does not change the fact that they are true. Ignoring these truth claims may be the equivalent to shutting your eyes in the hopes that reality doesn’t exist, yet, all the while, you fully realize that when you open your eyes, you’re going to have to face the same reality that was there before you chose to close your eyes.

I will say it again and if you can imagine, this time, with more gusto. “Truth is not at risk – people are.” The truth is that murder is wrong, lying is wrong and so is adultery; the list is quite long. All of these truths are what the Bible teaches throughout its sixty-six books, which were written over a span lasting more than a thousand years. The fact that these teachings are consistent and show continuity over that vast span of time should, at the very least, peak your interest to the truth. It would be a challenge to find even ten secular books written in the last century that agree on what truth is, especially in our post-modern world that is tongue-tied and caught up in contradiction on issues of truth. Spoiler alert – The Bible contains no contradictions when it comes to truth. Perhaps it’s true.

In closing, I would like to leave you with some final truths. You can’t have an opinion on a Biblical truth if you’ve never read a Biblical truth. You can’t call Jesus Christ a good teacher if you don’t know what he taught. And you can’t find the truth unless you seek the truth. Might I suggest the following, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)